Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Boomer Annie Sparkles & Teika with fosters

I love the fact that Boomer and Annie Sparkles are so good with all the kittens.  They accept these wee babies without reservation and it makes life so much easier for us when fostering kitttens. 

Today Teika even allowed the kittens to get up close and personal, although she did growl a bit.  She's a growly grumpy kitty at the best of times but she has never tried to hurt a kitten.  I was surprised to see her so close to Pixie and Bear (formerly Button) because she usually runs away from any kittens.  She is probably afraid of kitten cooties!

This afternoon Annie was snoozing on a living room chair with the kittens.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pixie - The Face of an Angle

I finally got a few good pictures of little Pixie last night.  She has a face that will melt hearts. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

More Kittens Have Arrived

Tuesday evening we were sort of expecting another wee kitten, a littermate of Pixie and Button.  It was going to depend on the kitten showing up when Robin went back to the colony in the west end of the city.  When the phone rang Robin said she had this dear little black kitten but he was older than Pixie and Button, so not the same litter.  Then she called a little later to say she had two more kittens and these two were about 10weeks.  Yikes.  Five kittens in one kitten cage?? Not.

A quick call to another friend to borrow her huge dog kennel.  This would work for the two older kittens because they were big enough that they would not get their heads caught in the kennel bars.

Juice and Rosie

Juice (orange/white) and Rosie had been living in the house where the colony lives outside in a grungie (is that how you spell grungie?) shed.  The man just handed the two kittens to Robin and then gave her their mother.  We took in these two kittens and the mom went to the Toronto Humane Society to be spayed

Both kittens are quite social, thankfully so they can be hugged and the tops of their little heads are perfect for planting kisses.  Dear little Juice arrived with disgusting eyes but a little warm water on a cotton ball have helped.  Rosie is a wee bit shy but I'm sure she will be just fine.

The other kitten, a long haired black boy has a face that causes hearts to melt immediately.  OMG but he is sooooooo cute.  JJ (Jet Jr) is so full of beans and trying to get a picture of his face is pretty much impossible.

Jet Jr., the heartbreaker

These three sweethearts are leaving us tonight to go to another foster home.  I would love to continue fostering JJ but I know I will get way too attached so it is better he go quickly.

Dinner for our foster babies

Meanwhile, Pixie and Button will stay with us until they go to their forever homes when they are old enough.  This weekend Robin is going to see if she can get the third kitten. 

Robin has been doing TNR at this colony but the last few are females and they make themselves scarce when she arrives.  Gotta get those girls and end the proliferation of kittens coming from this location.

For more info about the west end colony and Robin's work to do TNR at this location see her blog

Monday, May 14, 2012

Introducing Button and Pixie, two wee feral kittens

Yesterday afternoon two dear little feral kittens arrived, one a black and the other a calico.  Both of these wee babies were so frightened they were visibly shaking.  After a few hours of quiet time, Mike and I each held one of the kittens and that seems to have been a turning point.  They became less scared very quickly.  It was upsetting to see them so scared but thankfully they just needed a little TLC.  Now they are both happy and purring.

This picture is shortly after their arrival.

Today they have been playing and eating and pooping and peeing so it looks like they are settling in well.

Button is the little black boy. He is very adventurous and quite outgoing.  Pixie was a little less adventurous initially but she is now just as curious as her brother.  Pixie also has some kind of eye infection but I don't think it is too serious.  Sometimes when she has been sleeping she is unable to open her eyes but a little warm water on a cotton ball and she is fine in no time.  They are off to the vet tomorrow and we will find out if Pixie needs eye drops or I just continue wiping her eyes with clean warm water.

And tomorrow Pixie and Button will be given a little more freedom to play.  The kitchen will be their new play area and they will only stay in the kitten cage when I can't watch them and overnight.

Little Annie Sparkles was so good with the last two fosters so I know she will be with these two cuties.  She is anxious to meet them and I think they will enjoy her company as well.

Since their guestimated age is 4 weeks, it looks like they will be with us for about 4 weeks at least.  For the next couple of weeks they will just play, eat and sleep.  Then the search will begin in earnest for loving homes.  Or maybe they will get to go to a new home together.  That would be wonderful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So long little MJ, we will miss you

An hour ago little MJ's new mom came to pick him up and take him home.  MJ was with us for 4-1/2 weeks, that's over half of his little life.  I don't think we have ever fostered a kitten for that length of time and of course the longer they stay with us the more they become a part of the family.

These pictures were all taken in the last hour that MJ was with us.  What a cute little cat he is and he is going to be a delightful companion.

I love you sweet little kitteh, you will be greatly missed.  Hug hug hug

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Annie Sparkles and her little buddy MJ

This afternoon Annie Sparkles and little Monkey Jr curled up for a snooze.  They are so cute together.  We have Monkey until Tuesday when he will go to his new home.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Annie Sparkles and Monkey Jr

My dear little foster kitten, Monkey Jr will only be with us for another 5 days and then he is off to his forever home.

Yesterday MJ was given a little more freedom.  He had been confined to the kitchen and yesterday his world expanded to include the entire first floor plus limited access to the basement.  He hasn't discovered the stairs yet but I'm sure it won't be too long.  There are two small rooms downstairs and both are blocked off but I had to come up with a solution for the other three kitties to access the litter boxes.  How lucky that the plastic laundry basket on its side fits perfectly in the doorway.  This will keep MJ out but Boomer, Annie and Teika are still able to jump over. 

After a long play session Annie climbed up on the sofa to her favourite snoozing spot on Boomie's quilt and went to sleep.  A few minutes later, MJ climbed up beside her.  I think Annie is going to miss little MJ the most when he leaves.