Monday, May 26, 2014

Bobsey and His Brother Piccolo

In the van ready to go into the vet's office

This young fella is thought to be Piccolo's brother.  Robin was able to trap him at a colony down the road from my colony. This morning I took him to the vet for his little snip snip and then he will stay at the clinic for a couple days to recover before being returned to his colony.  He is a very good looking fellow, just like his brother.

The empty trap on the left should have contained Piccolo

Yesterday and very very early this morning I went out equipped to trap Piccolo but neither time did he show up.  Piccolo was there Saturday for a bite to eat and it was the first time I had seen him in 10 days.  This guy is a wanderer so trapping him is going to be somewhat of a challenge.

Because I showed up so early, the East Side Gang was quite surprised to see me and to get their breakfast.  And after about 20 minutes little Rachel Raccoon showed up.  She is quite unafraid of me and we had a couple of tug o'war episodes with my bags of food and supplies.  To keep her away from the trap I had to give her some kibble.

I really want to get Piccolo so am going to keep trying.

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